I am an “I Don’t Know” Christian

I will take “Doctrinal Differences” for $1000 Alex…

… a phrase in referring to the resolution of a conflict (usually a debate or quarrel) in which all parties tolerate but do not accept the opposing position or positions.

What is “Agreeing to Disagree” … Correct!

This term typically occurs when all sides recognize that further conflict would be unnecessary, ineffective, or simply does not make sense. Both sides of an issue may remain on amicable terms while continuing to disagree about the unresolved issues.

I think it really is okay to agree to disagree on all second “tier” doctrines.

I place all second tier doctrines into the “I Don’t Know” category.  Yes, I have my beliefs on certain doctrine, but it does not make them the rule of law.

The thing I do know is Christ, the magnet that holds all of us as His Body together.  I know my belief in Him as a first “tier” doctrine of Unity  .. born of a virgin, died on a cross, and rose again … in other words Love!

Unfortunately many Christians can be some of the worst, even with limited knowledge and perspective of the other side of the spectrum … despite any of the second tier topics.

Let’s agree to sometimes disagree, but more importantly let’s not forget what we agree on!

The next argument, political perspective, denominational nuance or ridiculous decision that you find yourself on the other side of, do not just make the decision to “agree to disagree”, but go a step further and “agree to agree”

I am an “I Don’t Know” Christian.

Is the earth 6000 years old?  is it 10 billion years old? my answer is I don’t know, but I love the person who believes either way.

Should a baby/adult baptize as a sprinkle?  Immersion? my answer is I don’t know, but I love the person who believes either way.

Freewill?  Predestination? my answer is .. I don’t know, but I love the person who believes either way.

Going to an institutional church?  Elders? Pastors? Communion? ect…

You get the gist…

I don’t know the right answers, but I do know I love Christ!

4 thoughts on “I am an “I Don’t Know” Christian

  1. I completely agree with you. And no, the earth is not 6000 years old. And yes, you can lose your salvation while always being saved. And you sprinkle donuts, not babies!

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