A New Book Coming Out In November

I am excited to read a new publication coming out this November called “Finding Church”.

The main facilitator, and author, of this awesome community project is Jeremy Myers who blogs over at Till He Comes.  He is writing posts with a quick snippet of who each author is that told their story about Finding Church.  Check out his latest post, which features me!  🙂

This community project will be a collection of stories that explore people’s experiences with leaving, changing, finding, and transforming church.

“The church is currently experiencing seismic shifts in how people think of church and get involved with church.  On the one hand, the number of mega churches in existence continues to increase every year.  People are returning to church who have not attended in years, and more often than not, when they return to church, it is to a mega church where they get the best sermons, the best music, and the best programming.  In a culture where excellence is required, mega churches are often seeing substantial increases in size and influence.

But at the same time, millions of people “leave church” every year.  This is not because they are abandoning God, ignoring Scripture, or giving up on Jesus.  While a few do leave for such reasons, the vast majority report that they leave church to better follow Jesus, obey God, and live out their faith in meaningful and relational ways.  They stop attending church to pursue something more intimate and personal.”

I hope everyone grabs a copy of this book when it hits the stores next month.  I am looking forward to reading how others go about “Finding Church”.

2 thoughts on “A New Book Coming Out In November

  1. Sounds neat! 😀

    Love the new layout, too; much more bright and cheerful! ^__^

    Even though I’ve been trying to “attend church regularly”, I still, admittedly, feel like there’s a giant wall there that I am having a hard time breaking through. Problem is, I honestly don’t know what the wall *is*. It’s just…THERE. It’s weird..

    1. Liz… great to hear from you again.

      The “wall” for me when I attended church regularly was a barrier people put up over their hearts and would not reveal who they really were.

      When the heat was on to actually express your feelings beyond what people see on the surface, that barrier was what I felt a lot (community with each other was just not being build up).

      Not saying that is what the “wall” is for you, but for me that “wall” was people not opening up to each other.

      Take care…

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