“Yoga” To Be Kidding Me…

College newspapers are not totally worthless. They are where young journalists go to learn… and espouse hatred. This was an opinion piece from a well-known “Christian” college… ____ Rethink yoga March 13, 2014 Deborah Raiees-Dana We are cultural beings. We learn what is acceptable from those around us, and that becomes our unconscious reality. When […]

Separation FROM “church” and “state”…

… that is exactly what I want to be separated from.. church, state, and any other man-made piece of BS institution. If looking at the whole bible as a book written to reveal Christ to us, which I feel is the essence of Christianity, then I feel Christians should dig deep and reconsider the relationship […]

I am an “I Don’t Know” Christian

I will take “Doctrinal Differences” for $1000 Alex… … a phrase in referring to the resolution of a conflict (usually a debate or quarrel) in which all parties tolerate but do not accept the opposing position or positions. What is “Agreeing to Disagree” … Correct! This term typically occurs when all sides recognize that further […]

A Cliché-Free Church

You know everything happens for a reason, right? People are dying in tragic events everyday and are moving on to a better place.  So if you died, do you know where you would go? Well since you are not dead, let me share my faith with you and then maybe you can come to church […]

The Yard Signs Are Back

Just when I thought the political season was over when Obama won that first Tuesday of November, the yard signs are back out to promote the next political event happening on December 24th … yes it is the Christmas Eve service. This is one of the main days a church marketing department drools, and comes […]

Is Being Busy A Good Problem?

If you live in America, and attend a traditional church, or mega-church, or really any church that wants to “grow” its membership numbers, you have probably heard many people tell you how “busy” they are.  Saying you are “busy” has become a default response to say when someone asks how you are doing. It seems […]

What Would Your “Group Think”?

I really want to be part of a bible study, and want to socialize with other Christians, but I do not want all the baggage bible studies carry with them.  I want people to just get together and just BE … no format, just talk life, discuss scripture (Christ), eat together, help one another, and […]

The “F” Word

The F-word is farce.  “A foolish show, a mockery, a ridiculous sham” We spend our whole lives making sure no one sees the cracked pieces we are so desperately trying to hold together. In my prior institutional church life, people would just sit in the seats waiting for the show, and God forbid you try […]