It Is That Time of Year Again

Ok, I cannot stand it anymore.  I must weigh in on this craziness.

The holiday season is approaching, and I can feel the typical US versus THEM pressure starting to build up.

Up first is ever-popular Halloween.  Oh how I love this holiday, the way it separates the Christians from others, and also the Christians from other Christians.

Not really.  I personally think this is a very sad situation on how the “church” approaches October 31st.

Many Christians choose not to observe Halloween, and that is fine, and personally I say they should leave it at that.  Just be quiet.  Do not try to come up with some lame alternative.  All that does is divide us as a community.

I thought I heard them all.  Fall Carnivals, Harvest Festivals, Pumpkin Patch Fun-raisers, Noah’s Ark Parties, and now “JesusWeen”.  That took the cake.  My goodness, stop already.. there is no need to “redeem” Halloween, or make it a “soul winning” event 🙂

Everything that goes on at these parties are the same things going on in local neighborhoods.  Kids are playing, and getting candy.  The only difference is that the ones not at the alternative party are actually getting to know their neighbors in the community.  The “church” event just houses the people who dislike Halloween so much they choose to isolate themselves with the same people they see every Sunday within the walls of the church building they attend.

Another goal of the so-called JesusWeen parties is to bring others with you.. great, that is all we need is more people being legalistic about a harmless candy-giving event.

For the ones that do not attend the alternative parties, you know who you are, you stay at home and distribute Jesus in various forms.. usually some asinine pun on candy (Testa -mints).  Come on now, are you for real.  I know the intentions are good, and I would not judge a persons motives, but no kid wants a bible or scripture reading that night.. they want flippin’ candy .. and that’s it.  You are likely not going to “convert” anyone to your alternative lifestyle by throwing Jesus in their bag.  You better give a couple huge candy bars if you throw verses in the bag.

Also, this is one time out of the year that your neighbors come out of their shells (homes) and actually talk to one another.  What better way to show the love of Christ by actually taking the time to get to know your neighbors for who they are.. the crazy Halloween people.

3 thoughts on “It Is That Time of Year Again

  1. We belong to one of those groups that’s just going to hand out candy to the kids in the neighborhood at a party we’re going to throw for them in the park. No Chick Tracts allowed.

      1. As it turned out, we simply hung out around a fire and gave out candy to the trick-or-treaters as they came by. It was fun.

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